Washing Instructions For Your Premium Apparel

Now that you have your new Velo Revolution® Kit, we want to give you some recommendations on best practice maintenance.

Below are some key washing instructions for your new High Tech items delivered.

  1. Wash Separately: If possible from your everyday normal wear. (This will stop rougher articles such as Jeans or Velcro based items rubbing against your High Tech Premium Cycling Apparel). Washing Bags can help with this and these are a super idea to have.
  2. Piling: It is always the result of abrasion on coarse surfaces. This is the reason why we strongly suggest not to use embroidered or particularly abrasive bike saddles. Please ensure also that any Velcro is not in direct contact with the fabric. Do not wash Bib Shorts or Bib Tights together with gloves, bags or rucksacks if they are Velcro based. A defect of the fabric (piling) is usually a consequence of mechanical actions.
  3. Deterioration of Fabric: Our sweat is toxic because it generates odor-causing bacteria so as your new high performance fabrics are very delicate and deteriorate with use which we want to avoid as much as possible, we suggest to wash the garments immediately after each ride and not to store them while still wet or humid in a plastic bag or any other closed environment for long.
  4. Before Washing: Your Bib Shorts, turn these garments inside out and for other articles with zips, ZIP THEM UP. This will protect your items if they did rub off other items or indeed rub off the inside of the washing drum. Thermal Jackets or other Long Sleeve items do not need to be inside out as the material is more substantial but please ZIP THEM UP. Basically keep the stitching on the outside of these finer items such as the bibs. By ZIPPING up, you protect those little ZIP pieces from hitting off the side of the drum which is spinning at 800-1000 rpm +.
  5. Max 30c Wash Temp: This should be high enough. If you need to apply some vanish on stains before this or soak, then this can be done. For some elastan based items, reshape while damp. (meaning a gentle stretch when out of the machine such as your cycling socks!)
  6. Use mild liquid/powder detergent: Only for your items, Non-Bio Powder or Gels is what we recommend. Please DO NOT use BIO powder, as it is too harsh on the materials and do not use these powders that are 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 etc. Normal everyday non-bio is adequate. If you can really smell your washed items whilst they are drying, you have used too much detergent.
  7. Do not use bleach or use softeners: They destabilize the High Tech polyester we use over time.
  8. Dry your garments flat or hanging: Please never use the tumble dryer. We know that there are mornings when you may be tempted if away at a stage race or at an event several days long, but please be careful. Intense heat will destabilize the fabric. (low heat, gentle cycle if you have too but not recommended)
  9. Do not iron your items: We know this sounds crazy, but we have seen it. Your products do not require ironing.

Please Note:

– It’s important to make sure that when you are pedaling, there is no friction or any foreign object like a saddlebag or anything else loose or swinging from your saddle or body, that could perhaps repeatedly come in contact with your legs/hips at any point of the pedaling movement. Imagine you will do thousands of pedal revolutions on your spin. The only point of your body that should be touching the saddle area is your bum (the seat panel of your Velo Revolutiom® Bib Shorts), which is sitting firmly on the saddle. Check this and change or remove the saddlebag if necessary.

– Check to see your zip endings on your Jerseys or Gilets that they do not cut into the shorts when riding.

Enjoy your new Velo Revolution® Apparel, Designed in Ireland, 100% Made in Italy, we hope that you Love Cycling in it, as much as we do. (from Aidan & all the Velo Revolution® Team)

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